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Spring cleaning is one of the most procrastinated and the toughest job to do for most. Well, not many people are familiar with what spring cleaning is. But, considering and doing spring cleaning at its earliest can help you save a significant amount of money and headaches down the road. Also, it is sure to help you save a lot of energy.

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Avoiding spring cleaning can put up different problems on your shoulders such as stress, early breakdown of home appliances, and more. Most of these problems show up during the winter only when you are looking towards an easy cleaning of everything. However, spring cleaning is one of the most effective maintenance tracks to follow.

Another factor to consider is spring cleaning varies for every household. Thus, it is better to consult an expert who can help you determine the best possible way for spring cleaning based on your house type, region, and environment. You don’t necessarily need to follow all the maintenance to do list; the smaller ones can contribute effectively to the overall systems installed in your home. Once you get a hang of following these tips, it will become easier to maintain and you will already have a list of what to do during spring to ensure the proper functioning of the HVAC system in summer.

1st Class Heat & Air, Texas Makes Air Conditioner Tune-Up & Maintenance Easy!

Some of the prominent tips you should be following for easy spring maintenance include:

Spring Home Maintenance Tips

Gear up for it

The first and foremost thing to do to ensure proper spring cleaning is to gear up for it. Spring arrives at the best of its time and is one of the pleasant systems. A lot of people are trapped inside their houses due to the excessive cold, and the arrival of spring acts as a relief for the people. Therefore, you should gear yourself up for some home maintenance and spring maintenance to avoid any unnecessary discomforts.

Conduct a roof inspection

If your area is prone to snowfall, it is suggested to conduct a roof inspection to ensure that there are no damages to the roof. Irrespective of what your roof is made of, you should check it thoroughly to avoid water damage. Moreover, if you do not repair it in time, it can cause further damage. It may eventually lead to further damage if any unexpected storm hits you up.

Repair your sump pump

It is extremely necessary to check if your sump pump has been working properly. This will help you to prevent the risk of bigger issues. It is ways suggested to hire a contractor to check your sump pump, because you may not have an idea about what to do.

The contractors will make sure to attach the sump pit with a pump properly to ensure proper discharge of water. Also, it will help to ensure the proper functioning of the float. The contractors can ensure proper discharge through the sump pump and avoid the uneasy noises of the motor. It is also required to keep a check on the battery backup of the sump pump.

It is necessary to keep a record of maintenance if

  • The pump is older than seven years
  • The pump vibrates and makes a lot of noise.
  • It hasn’t been cleaned since the last time it was run.

Seal air leaks in the house

It is always suggested to seal the cracks around the doors and windows to avoid any inconvenience. Moreover, doing so can help you save over 20-30% overall energy based on the lost heat or cold due to leaks.

If you do not seal the air cracks, you can consider getting weather stripping for a better price. It can help you save around three percent on the overall electricity bill. It is not hard to detect the leaks for they can be easily found using candle flames.

You can burn a candle near the window or doors and check how the flame moves around the region. However, you should be careful about using the candles as there may be a risk of fire hazard involved. If you have a high budget, you can consider getting a mastic duct sealant to close the leaks from where air may leak.

Examine your chimney

Apart from roofs and windows, it is also necessary to keep a check with what is going on with your chimneys. If your chimney appears to be leaning, know that it has the risks of foundation involved, which may cause extreme troubles in the future.

Also, the plants growing on your chimney can be an easy indication of the cracks on the chimney. The cracks can be a further indication of a water leak which may cause excessive problems in the future. Also, if the water is acidic, it can lead to damps, thereby ruining the complete look of the house.

The carbon monoxide can easily move and escape through the furnace, thereby posing health risks to your family members. Moreover, this may prove to be a bigger problem if you have a wood-burning furnace as they may increase the risk of a house fire. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a check on the chimneys and its foundation to avoid any damages.

Check your air conditioner

Well, an air conditioner is the most important thing that requires proper maintenance. However, using air conditioners can make your electricity bill jump from low to high. As a result, you should prefer checking the system thoroughly. However, you can save a significant amount of money with the AC if you use TLC with it.

After you have cleaned all the other aspects of your house, you should hop into cleaning the outdoor unit of your AC. Some of the prominent steps to clear AC include the following:

  • You should remove all the accumulated dirt and debris from the AC.
  • The condenser fins are very much prone to dirt accumulation. If your bent on cleaning the outside A/C unit yourself then use a paintbrush, it should get some of the dirt and debris out.
  • Another major point to consider is the cleaning of indoor filters for optimal functioning. You may need to change the filters all-together if they are beyond cleaning.
  • The mice and rodents often make their nests in your system. Thus, it is your responsibility to get it cleaned as soon as possible.

With the exception of your A/C Unit, I would say everything else can be done on your own. With a little effort and some minor cleaning tools, you should be able to get everything ready for the summer. You can try to tackle cleaning the A/C unit yourself but it’s pretty hard getting into everything. And if your a person who is afraid of rodents, snakes, or other critters surprising you when cleaning the outside unit then you may not want to do it yourself. It is always best to have a professional do the A/C maintenance for you since they will make sure they do the job right and won’t miss anything. Especially when 1st Class heat and air has made it so cheap. You can get your entire A/C system maintenance done for as low as $69. Simply Call 972-673-0408 and schedule your appointment. One of their professional HVAC techs will be out and take care of everything for you.

Spring Maintenance is easy and convenient depending on what you’re cleaning. You don’t need to put in a lot of effort for the most part. Moreover, it can help you save a lot of money as it prevents bigger damages. You can prefer calling out the expert professionals who can help you clean the system effectively. It is better to be thorough with the system to avoid any inconvenience.

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