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U.S. Department of Energy says that most Americans face huge energy expenses when it comes to heating and cooling a home. It means this could cost a lot of money if our home AC is not ready.

Everyone is anticipating summer! Some are preparing cookouts, beach travel, vacations, and outdoor activities to enjoy a summer blast. But most of us are getting ready to prepare the heating and cooling maintenance of our air conditioning unit to stay comfortable as the summer months approach. So, as the days are getting longer and the roof starts to warm up, it is the perfect time to ensure that your air conditioning unit is in working order and tuned up for the upcoming summer heat. That way, when it starts to really heat up, your air conditioning unit will be ready and performing as efficiently as possible.

Do not wait until the weather heats up. Check your air conditioning unit now to keep it from blowing big bucks down the drain. Maintaining our air conditioning units to be affordable and keep our homes or offices comfortable may need professional HVAC techs to come out and perform a proper a/c maintenance or tune-up. It may also require our own participation. Following the few steps below can help us minimize costs and have a cooler summer with ease.

1st Class Heat & Air Offers A/C Maintenance For As Low As $69Call 972-673-0408

How To Prepare Your A/C For Summer

Change / Replace The AC Filters:

Change or replace your filters once a month or every three months for a smooth performance. Apparently, this may be the easiest task when maintaining our air conditioning; however, many people tend to neglect this task very easily. Air conditioning filter serves as a barricade between all air conditioning mechanisms, ensure that changing or replacing it is on schedule so that you are at ease that your filter will run efficiently.

Upgrade Your Thermostat:

Consider replacing or upgrading your old thermostat to a smart and programmable one. Installing a programmable thermostat will surely help you save energy. Some versions learn your behavior and adjust the temperature based on your living patterns, creating the right balance between comfort and energy savings.

Thoroughly Clean The Unit:

It is really important that you check your air conditioning outer components every year, first of summer, especially if it does not have a cover. You have to inspect if it is already collecting dust, mud, leaves, and other debris. This is to prevent high energy bills comes summer. Your air conditioning unit transfers the heat from inside to outside, so you have to ensure that there are no blockages. Clean your AC outside unit delicately for it to operate efficiently.

Check Your Condensate Drain Line:

Keep your air conditioning unit condensation line clean and clog-free. Ensure that this drain line is draining properly and has no dirt or any blockages. This is to prevent or avoid costly damages and any unnecessary cause to your home. If this pipe becomes clogged, this will surely ruin your budget this summer.

Clean Your Air Ducts:

Your air conditioning unit would work much harder if there is a leak in your ducts. Cleaning air ducts can help to reduce maintenance costs, potentially increase the lifespan of your air conditioning unit and you will not have to dust it as often. Check from time to time if there are disconnected joints, separated pieces, small holes, or any cause of leakage in your ductwork. Ensuring this can generate significant savings on your energy consumption.

Get An Annual Expert Check-Up:

The best way to prepare your home air conditioner unit for this summer is to have it checked by trusted professionals annually. Putting this on your To-Do List will make you feel at peace that your air conditioner unit is in good shape. Apparently, whether we prevent it or do the maintenance ourselves, there are still things that are out of our scope. There will be still problems that would occur. In addition to that, we do not want to end up enduring hot days and getting uncomfortable without air conditioner units when summer months finally approach. And this is definitely a reason to Call the Professionals.

Prepare Your A/C Unit For Summer In Texas! Call 1st Class Heat & Air And Get A/C Maintenance For As Low As $69. Call 972-673-0408

Without having your air conditioner unit properly and professionally maintained, you are putting your air conditioning system in danger without even realizing it. Not having your AC professionally tuned up, could lead to mechanical failures and even a total air conditioning system breakdown. Of course, you do not want your home and your family to be in an extremely uncomfortable spot as summer finally hits.

On the other hand, when you get your air conditioner unit annually maintained, you are saving a huge percentage on your energy expense. These savings could instead be used for your summer plans. Keeping your air conditioning system properly maintained, as well as, having it tuned up will surely make your air conditioner unit into one that functions and operates as efficiently as possible. This will definitely ensure and keep your home and your family cool and comfortable.

Prioritizing timely preventive maintenance and getting annual professional air conditioning unit check-ups, will not only make sure your A/C performs to its best level but will also help you save tons of money on electricity costs. With regular A/C maintenance you will gain peace of mind, not worrying about larger breakdown costs that can often sneak up on you during summer. In addition to that, getting A/C tune-ups or maintenance done regularly will keep you comfortable, cool and relaxing during summer at home with your family.

Enjoy the summer season with a peaceful mind by stewarding your home in becoming a comfortable environment for your loved ones.

Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy a cool summer day and night at home or office!

For fast, reliable AC & Heating repair, service, installation, or sales, contact the professionals at 1st Class Heat & Air. We offer after-hours AC repair and can provide help for AC compressor failure seven days per week. Call us today at 972-673-0408 .